Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Home Pets

This blog is about making our house into a home; one of the most important elements I have neglected to share so far is our pets!  They really do make our house a home!  I've added a new page so you can learn about our crazy animals (if you've never met them!).  

There are so many things they each do to make our house into a home.  It's easy to focus on the material things that go into a home but it's even easier to neglect the living things that actually do more to make a space feel like home!  Our animals do so many things to make us laugh and feel loved - two very important things in a home!  I'm going to try and share some of the funny, sweet and entertaining stories of the pets that make our house a home!  Stay tuned for some good laughs!! 

Here is a preview

Pnut was talking to Sanka about something here but Sanka was clearly very bored and starting to fall asleep!  (And yes I know, the animals should not be on the furniture - as soon as I snapped the photo I made Pnut get off!)

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