With some assistance I learned and thought I'd share for other avocado virgins!
1. Cut the avocado lengthwise.
2. Then use a spoon to separate the meat from the skin of the side without the pit.
3. Remove the pit...this was tricky - then hilarious! Here is what I was told from suzyhomemaker: Now to take out the pit, hold the avocado half in your non dominant hand. Take a knife, have the blade be facing the pit,not the point but the blade long wise should somewhat line up with the pit. Now carefully (cause if you get cut I will feel guilty) swiftly take the knife and hit it into the pit it should get stuck in there.
I did as she instructed but the knife didn't get stuck so I hit it harder. This caused the pit to pop right out and fly across the room, landing on the floor! (that was the hilarious part!)
4. The last step was to cut the meat in chunks and mash with a fork. It was much slimier than I thought it would be. I started to think, "I don't think we're a good match Mr. Avocado."
However, after adding the lemon juice, salt and garlic I decided to embrace the avocado! The garlic makes it amazing!
I encourage everyone to have a date with the avocado...you might find you're a good match!