Once Upon a Potty is one of my favorite children's books. It is a honest and funny book for kids who are going through the traumatic stage of potty training! I couldn't help remembering this book during a recent toilet install adventure! Although our adventure was almost as humorous as the Once Upon a Potty book, I will spare you the details or our numerous trips to the store and the multiple toilets we bought. (Perhaps I will share those stories at a later date!)
Changing a toilet is disgusting...there's no other way to describe it. The first challenge is emptying the water. You'd think you could flush it away...but it's not that easy! While my other half is very intelligent he doesn't always use his intelligence! I walked into the bathroom to see him using a towel to soak up the water. That would be smart if it was only a little bit...but it wasn't! While I can't name movie stars, remember movie quotes or explain how electricity works like he can, I am a quick on my feet problem solver!
I've seen him siphon "liquids" from parts of cars enough times to know he has a tool for this.
I highly recommend using this handy dandy pump when you need to empty a toilet...or when you need to empty anything for that matter!
Although emptying the toilet is annoying it's not the disgusting part...this is!
Cleaning the old wax off...bent over the waste pipe is disgusting...but it's got to be done!
Now that we have a white toilet we just need to replace the sink and tub to have our completely updated bathroom. I'm sure there will be some good stories with that adventure!