I have always used store bought dog shampoo but recently saw a variety of homemade shampoos on pinterest so I thought I'd give it a try! I read what several other people had done, took inventory of my own supplies and created our very first homemade dog shampoo!
The ingredients are simple and cheap!
I used equal parts vinegar and Dawn dish detergent. (I didn't have a full bottle of one scent so in addition to original scent she got some pomegranate, which ended up being quite nice!) I added approximately 1/2C of coconut oil.
The next step was getting Sanka prepared. She is not a fan of outside baths with a hose so she was not happy about this situation!
Once Sanka was wet poured the soap into our hands and onto her fur and scrubbed away.
The hair just came off in clumps.
As you can see Sanka's favorite part of a bath is getting toweled off!
We were very pleased with this shampoo. She still needed some good brushing for the next few days but the clumps around the house were much less! She smelled and felt great too! At first she did have that wet doggie smell, but that went away and she just smelled clean! We always joke after she gets a bath that we forgot she had white fur until we see it clean again!