Friday, June 1, 2012

High Five for Friday

It's Friday and June already!!!  
I'm hooking up with Lauren again from My Grey Desk for her High Five Friday party.


This hasn't been the best week for weather...VERY wet and VERY humid...but it's been a great week for crossing things off the to do list! In fact most of my highs for this week are just that, getting things done to help shorten the never ending to do list!


The week started off with the Memorial day holiday which means the Patriotic Link-up Party started!  It's been great reading all the link-ups; getting project ideas, recipes and taking the time to remember what Memorial day is about!  


I got my plants planted!  This is my first time using the topsy turvey upside down planters.  I really wanted to grow vegetables this year but Sanka being a large dog has trouble understanding where she should and shouldn't walk so I knew if I planted anything in the ground she'd be all over it! 


We finally had nice enough weather and the time to clean the boat! It was a dirty job but I love cleaning things that are very's much more fun when you can see a difference after you've cleaned!


Part of cleaning the boat was removing all the seats and cushions because I am going to reupholster them!  I go in waves of being excited about the project and then nervous.  The first step is to remove all the old upholstery...what a horrible job!  But just like the cleaning, I felt very accomplished when it was completed and crossed off the to do list! 


Two of my favorite kids had their last day of school on Thursday and what better way to celebrate than with some ice cream!!  It's always nice to be reminded, by kids, how important it is to have fun and be silly!

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