The past few weeks I have enjoyed reading other bloggers' posts for High Five for Friday, such as suzyhomemaker, so I thought I'd participate this week. It's so easy to forget the good things that happen, now I'm forced to think of 5...although, now that i'm thinking about it I have way more than 5!
I finally found the most perfect dining room hutch after months and months of searching!
We had amazing weather at the beginning of the week - over 80 in April!
Sanka has been enjoying extra walks on the local trails!
I had lunch with my friend Suzy from suzyhomemaker, that I don't get to see very often, and her 'lil one!
After a little break, from frustration, I've gotten back to sewing!
(This isn't me...but it is my sewing buddy/teacher...check out her website: |
The yard is starting to look alive!
The grass seed we planted is starting to sprout and we finished mulching the garden beds!
I hope you had a great week too - don't forget to take the time to think of the highs, or good things, that happen everyday!