While strolling around Pinterest I found a fun project using string, balloons and mod podge to create Easter eggs. (You can see the original project here.) I decided to give it a try and thought it would be fun to borrow my friend's kids...messy projects are always more fun with kids!
We had a beautiful day to sit outside while we got covered in mod podge! We actually didn't use "real" mod podge. We used the homemade version of 50/50 glue and water - it worked perfectly! (I will never buy mod podge again!)
This project was so simple. We soaked the string in the mod podge, then wrapped it around the balloon.
We allowed the balloons to dry in the sun.
Once the string was hard, about 2 hours, we popped the balloon.
The kids were amazed at how the string stayed in the shape of the balloon...okay, I admit I was amazed too!
Linked to: Hookin up with HoH, Make It Monday