As you may have noticed throughout my blog I tend to become focused on something and want to learn all that I can about it. Actually, that sounds much more academic than it's not necessarily that I want to learn all that I can, it's more that I just become obsessed! For example, when I found a certain spray paint color...I used it on everything! I shared a bit about my
spray paint obsession
, but trust me there's been more since this
Coconut oil is another one of my obsessions. I started learning about it a couple years ago...and in this case I really did learn. I won't bore you with the science behind it's health benefits but if you're interested I'd suggested checking out
I've recently expanded my obsession with "eating" coconut oil to using it for other purposes. I discovered an article that lists
52 uses for coconut oil and I might just try all 52!
The first one I checked off the list is #4.
Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal).
I applied a fairly good amount right out of the container so it was like a paste. I then put my hair up in a bun and let it work its magic! After about 2 hours I washed it out. I wouldn't say it was amazing and left my hair like golden silk...but I could feel a difference, especially on my ends! I might make this is a monthly hair treatment!