Home Pets

One of the most important elements of our house actually being a home is our animals!  Each of our pets has their own little personality that brings laughter and love into our home! 
I'll introduce them by size....we'll start with the largest:


Sanka is a St. Bernard.  Her personality is as large as she is!  She loves people, especially kids and babies! She is very loyal and always there with a hug and cuddle when you need it the most!

She spends 95% of her day sleeping...she likes to be outside but even out there she is usually sleeping!

Valentine is actually the oldest animal in the house.  She has recently become very social and vocal!  She is a huge fan of cat nip and live bugs!  She tends to keep to herself and prefers human friends over animal friends. One of the things we love about her is the way she purrs!  Once she gets going you can hear her from almost anywhere in the house!
 Peanut (Pnut)

Peanut's middle name should be trouble!  I'm not sure if it's because he's a boy or if he is just a curious cat but he loves trouble!  Anything from putting a toy in the water bowl to tearing open bags...if there's a mess somewhere, you can be fairly certain Peanut did it!  

An important thing you need to know about Peanut is that he thinks he is as big as Sanka (and vice 
versa...Sanka does not know she's a big dog!)  Peanut and Sanka are best friends - they are never far from one another and they can often be seen having a cuddle! 

Biscuit is the smallest of our four pets.  
She is a Guinea Pig...and in my opinion she is the funniest Guinea Pig I've ever met!  
She has no fears!  She is the only animal in this house that is not afraid of the vacuum & she will chew on any cat or dog tail that makes its way into her cage.  (She also loves to clip Sanka's nails!)  Also, she will have a complete conversation with you full of emotions and sometimes even breaks into a song if she hears the right beat! 

As you can see Sanka is everyone's friend.  Even Biscuit likes a cuddle in Sanka's arms! 

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