Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sanka is ready to be a Big Sister!

We are excited to have reached the 20 week milestone and to announce that our little baby is going to be a girl!  

We had an amazing ultrasound experience.  It left us feeling much closer to the baby and of course much more excited!!  

Everyone is thrilled that she's a girl except Peanut...his face says it all!!!  

A boy would have equalized gender ratio in our house, but it looks like the girls will still rule! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Boy or Girl??

Do you know what today is??

Today is the day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!  It is a very exciting day!

There are so many wives tales out there to "help" you figure out what you're having, the Chinese Gender Chart seems to be the most popular.

According to that we're having a girl...so we'll see how accurate it really is! The Chinese Gender Chart uses the mother's age at conception and the month of conception to determine the gender.

Some of the funny gender predictor tests, which I haven't done, include the baking soda test and the cabbage test.

Both of these tests require mixing the "ingredient" with urine.  The reaction of the urine with the baking soda or cabbage is your predictor...I think I'll wait for the ultrasound!

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