I hate cutting any trees down but especially one as unique as that! Before we cut it though I did some research to see if there'd be a way I could "root" the branches. So based on my research I decided to give it a try...what did I have to lose?
Here are the simple steps I used based on what I read.
1. Fill a container with potting soil - I chose to use old plant pots, the kind you buy the plants in.
2. Cut a small branch off the tree (sorry for the blurry pic, it was a little breezy!)
3. Remove the lower leaves leaving a little bud or at least exposed green growth
4. Place the branch in soil so that the bud is covered with dirt - do not let any leaves get under the soil.
Thoroughly water and pack it in.
5. Place the container in a plastic bag, do not close the bag but keep it around the container to keep the moisture, humidity in.
5. Place the container in a plastic bag, do not close the bag but keep it around the container to keep the moisture, humidity in.
6. Place the container in a warm area but not in direct sunlight and let nature do its work!
Hopefully I will have a follow-up post soon with pictures of beautiful seedlings!
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Making Monday Marvelous